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Monday, April 7, 2014

Minecraft Rain Ambiance Ver 1.1

Minecraft Rain Ambiance Ver 1.1

Incessant rain, drizzle, downpour, lasting rain, spring rain and so forth, do you think that there are so many kinds of rain? Have you ever walked in the rain and experienced new feelings? Surely, you used to try, right? How were your feelings at that time? Did you feel that all of your tiredness will be cast off? Now, here is the point, have you ever heard a special sound of rain with concentration? A soft and gentle melody is the sound of the rain. It's really great, right? Do you want to experience this emotion, all Minecraft lovers? Let's come to Minecraft Rain Ambiance Ver 1.1 right now! Listening to the pure sound of the rain will be coming up first. Interestingly, apart from enjoying the natural sound of rain, players can combine some other sounds to set up a harmony. The harmony evokes some sweet memories about folk ballad songs. All of the sounds are in the Options part. Come on and create the most wonderful symphony about the rain. Enjoy yourself!

How to play:

Use the mouse to interact with this game.

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